Sommersemester 2022

Digital Production

264.140 VU 2.0h 2.5 ECTS

Evan Roth, CAP (Graffiti Analysis Series), 2012


From the second half of the 20th century the use of instructions in the form of codes and algorithms entered the realms of Architecture, Design and the Arts, gradually redefining the boundaries between conception and realisation. Originally intended as passive tools to replace human labour and relegated to off-limits research facilities, more recently computers and CNC machines entered our domestic and working environments to actively affect the domains of research, creativity and self-expression.
Within the framework of the Modul Form*Design, abstract lines of code will translate into material traces (and back) by direct programming of automated production tools from the Rhinoceros 3d modelling environment. Fundamental knowledge in Computational Geometry and Machine Language will be transferred in order to access a more experimental and research-driven use of production machines. Best practices in 3D modelling will be covered to enable standard rapid prototyping techniques: laser cutting, CNC milling and 3D printing will be introduced in their basic and function-driven usage.

Participants will be engaged in design and prototyping exercises involving lines in various states as the main generative element. With a focus on Computer Vision, still images, physical movements and body gestures will be captured and translated into digital form, manipulated and brought back to the physical world by means of digital production techniques: 2d plotting, 2.5d milling and 3d printing.