Ergebnisse Sommersemester 2021

Digital Production

264.140 VU 2.0h 2.5 ECTS

During Summer Semester 2021 Digital Production studens engaged with the computational design and digital fabrication of a series of Synthetic Terrain Tiles. By studying a set of algorithms utilized in the videogame industry and by undestanding the basics of machine language, students learnt how to embed design intentions into generative models and how to iteratevely adapt computational models to real material and production constraints. A custom-made tool for the translation of geometry into machine instructions provided the framework to set up a direct design-to-fabrication pipeline for the CNC milling of imaginary landscapes.


Michael Anderson, Lucija Dobrovic, Adriana García García, Agnes Henzinger, Agi Hidri, Julian Klusacek, Julia Kolm, Emil Kranewitter, Anna Lalouschek, Ruben Mahler, Vera Neulinger, Galatea Realacci, Karim Rezk, Kiumars Sharifmoghaddam. Saviz Sonnleitner, Alexis Viallet, Ivana Vukelic, Clemens Zandanel

Fabrication Assistant

Ruben Mahler

All pictures by Marco Palma

Michael Anderson, Galatea Realacci, Ivana Vukelic
Emil Kranewitter, Clemens Zandanel
Agnes Henzinger, Ruben Mahler
Julia Kolm, Anna Lalouschek, Vera Neulinger
Karim Rezk, Kiumars Sharifmoghaddam. Saviz Sonnleitner
Julian Klusacek, Lucija Dobrovic
Adriana García García, Agi Hidri, Alexis Viallet
