Karlsplatz 13, stair 10, 4th floor
A–1040 Wien
Gregor Titze
by arrangement
An important part of the Institute of Art and Design is the professionally equipped photo studio, which specializes in model photography.
Architectural models and objects created as part of courses are photographed in the studio by the photographers or with their professional support and with the appropriate equipment. The institute also has a photo laboratory that specializes in the development and exposure of black and white photographs in small format and medium format.
In addition to photography, there is also a laser scanner that is used to scan and digitize three-dimensional objects.
The professional equipment offers the possibility for analog small format, medium format and large format photography. Analog photography includes working with slide and negative film in color and black and white. The equipment also includes a digital small format system including numerous lenses. Accessories such as a shooting table (suitable for front and transmitted light), studio backgrounds, tripods, spotlights and a flash system are available.