Tweak : A Film Culture Center by the River
Engagement with architecture inevitably leads to the question of which direction one wants to pursue. After the first part of my studies, I took a half-year break for an internship. During this time, I was able to explore various areas of the field and came to the conclusion that I did not want to specialize but rather remain flexible and open to various fields of interest alongside my university studies. Therefore, the work presented here should not be seen as a completed design, but rather as a summary of what has happened so far and what will happen in the future.
The decision to write my diploma thesis under Professor Christian Kern at the Institute for Three-Dimensional Design stems from the consideration that there is, in my opinion, much too little emphasis on developing an understanding of space and form. Furthermore, the chapter on spatial programming explores marketing examples, which could also be of interest to architects in the future, in order to create an interaction between buildings and virtuality. Additionally, there will be a brief look into the future of visual representation of buildings.