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The approximation of the physical and virtual space


The increasing approximation of physical and virtual space manifests itself through a continuous intensification of their interdependencies.This network is based on the symptoms of increasing digitization and can be described as a symbiotic relationship, a relationship of mutual benefit. Due to the increasing approximation, physical space experiences an expansion of reality and generates a so-called possibility of spaces based on ongoing updating processes. The consumption of virtual spaces is known as a hybrid act, whereas the biological shell remains present in the physical world. These forms of the spatial revolutions are leading visibly to a comprehensive change in our general understanding of space. 

The question of how the spatial network is formed and will be developed in the course of continuous approximation of the physical and virtual space, will be pursued by researching past spatial theories, as well as an investigation of the spatial network based on current and possible future tendencies up to the scenario of the absolute approximation based on literary, scientific and artistic examples. The latter will be implemented in the form of an artistic work, which will form a consistent prolongation of the previously investigated concepts of literary and artistic origin. It is intended to show criticism and provides food for thoughts for future developments.


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